
DISQUAVI: Disability and Quality of Life Research Group: Educational Aspects

This is a consolidated group that has been recognized for the third time in a row by the Department of Enterprise and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia (SGR 1423/2017). The group is made up of researchers and collaborators from the fields of clinical psychology, social psychology and pedagogy.

The group is organized into subgroups around four lines of research:

  • Quality of life of persons with disabilities
  • Quality of life of their families
  • Inclusion in the university setting
  • Communication disorders
Grup de Recerca DISQUAVI

Group work areas

Family (QdVF) and Early Care.

Services for persons with Intellectual Disabilities and Quality of Life.

Assessment of the intensity of the supports and Individualized Support Plans.

School and social inclusion.

Access to the university and the workplace for persons with disabilities.

Alterations in communication and quality of life.

How to promote the social competence of children with developmental disorders in natural settings (kindergarten and family). Funding entity: Ministry of Science and Innovation. National R&D&i Plan (2015-2018).

Impact of teaching adaptive behavior skills on challenging behavior by young people with intellectual disabilities. Funding entity: Aristus Campus Mundus (2017-2018).

Challenging behaviors in students with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Funding entity: Aristus Campus Mundus (2016-2017)

How to improve the quality of life of families with a child with an intellectual disability. From measure to intervention. Funding entity: Ministry of Science and Innovation. National R&D&i Plan (2012-2014).

Adaptation and validation of the EIS-I/A Support Intensity Scale for children and adolescents. Funding entity: Department of Education. Government of Catalonia. (2012-2013).

Workplace integration of Spanish university students with disabilities. Funding entity: Universia Foundation. (2009-2010).

Devising a scale to measure the quality of life of families with a child with an intellectual disability. Funding entity: FPCEE Blanquerna. (2007-2009).

The contribution of the practice of winter sports to the quality of life of persons with intellectual disabilities. Funding entity: MEC. National Program of Strategic Action for Sport and Physical Activity. (2005-2008).

Adaptation and validation of the Support Intensity Scale to persons with intellectual disabilities in Catalonia. Funding entity: APPS - Catalan Federation for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities. (2005-2007).

Participation in other funded projects (2008-present)

Universal Design for Instruction. Indicators for its implementation in the university setting. (2013-2015)

PRECIOUS: Professional Resources in Early Chilhood Intervention: Online Utilies and Standards. Funding entity: European Community. (2008-2010).

My opinion, My vote. Funding entity: European Community. (2008-2010).

Leonardo da Vinci project: European passport on professional Education in Early Intervention. Funding entity: European Community. (2004-2007).

Services offered by the group

Training for PhD students.

Scientific update.

Documentary information.

Training and advice for organizations and professionals in the field of intellectual disability.


Excellence is the future