Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


DIGILAB: Media, Strategy and Regulation

The interactivity afforded by ICTs has opened up opportunities in the field of journalism and public opinion formation processes, but it has also raised concerns. Technology must serve to develop new narratives within the media so that they can have more engagement with their audiences. However, the Internet is also a channel that fragments the audience, evens out poor and good quality information and polarizes the population's political positions.

Within this scenario, the Digilab research group: Media, Strategy and Regulation works as a think tank to encourage innovation in the media and citizen participation in the digital public sphere. The research activity is divided into three main areas of study:

  • Media and technology
  • Audiences and dynamics of appropriation (engagement, agency, reflexivity...)
  • Media pluralism, media, internet and human rights.
Digilab: Media, Strategy and Regulation
Lidia Cordero Triay

Lidia Cordero Triay

Pre-doc under contract
Núria Pujol Gamiz

Núria Pujol Gamiz

Research administrative assistant

Group work areas

Media and technology
Studies the innovations brought about by the emergence of digital technologies in journalism and, in general, in the media, and in the transformations that derive from them in the production processes, contents, supports and professionals. It focuses on five main themes:

  1. Assessment of current journalism practices
  2. Producers of information in digital information ecosystems
  3. Hybridization and innovation in content production
  4. News consumers as active audiences
  5. Incidence of the dynamics of new media ecosystems in the public sphere

Audience and appropriation dynamics (engagement, agency, reflexivity)
Analyzes how audiences perceive messages and how they manage their interpretation and incorporate it into their daily lives from a holistic perspective.

It investigates the meaning that adolescents give to content and 2.0 tools, the type of reception they prompt, and their significance in the construction of values, with special attention to possible gender differences.

Studies are also carried out on how citizens relate to the agenda established by the media and how they are able to incorporate topics for discussion on the social agenda into the media agenda.

Media pluralism, media, internet and human rights
Develop research on freedom of expression and pluralism, with a special interest in the processes arising from the digitalization of society. In this context, there are two main actions: creation of the Media Pluralism Monitor for Spain; and monitoring hate speech in the media and on social media.

TeensMedia Life. Mediat life in the teenagers. Values, identities and stereotypes in social media.

Principal investigator: Sue Aran-Ramspott.

Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.


TeensMedia Life. Mediat life in the teenagers. Values, identities and stereotypes in social media

DISINFTRUST. Disinformation Trust Trust.

Principal investigator: Jaume Suau.

Funding entity: EMI-FUND.


In fake news we trust: Identifying individual, group, and narrative level characteristics driving trust in misleading content.

Principal investigator: Jaume Suau.

Funding entity: La Caixa Foundation.


Media Councils.

Principal investigator: Jaume Suau.

Funding entity: European Commission.


DISARGUE: Archived from the original (PDF) on 5 October 2013.

Principal investigator: Jaume Suau.

Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.


Media Pluralism Monitor 2022.

Principal investigator: Jaume Suau.

Funding entity: European Commission.


Media Pluralism Monitor - Center for Media Pluralism and Freedom

Services offered by the group

Digilab offers study, consulting and training services in the fields of communication, journalism, corporate communication and audio-visuals. It regularly collaborates with public companies and private institutions on the implementation of applied research projects and consulting in areas related to the media and the cultural industries.

List of services:

  • Design and execution of studies
  • Market studies and sector analysis
  • Consultancy and advisory services
  • Bespoke training
  • Dissemination and outreach workshops
  • Content creation


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