Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


COMSAL: Communication and Health Research Group

Group recognized by the Government of Catalonia 2021 SGR 00542

The COMSAL group conducts health research encompassing various aspects, ranging from psychological and neurological aspects, through communicational and language aspects, to social aspects in situations of vulnerability and risk of exclusion, in order to enhance quality of life through new intervention designs and new comprehensive therapeutic and rehabilitative tools.

In particular, it conducts research in the field of emotional well-being, prevention and the promotion of health, the efficacy of therapeutic interventions in mental health, neuropsychology, neuroscience and the processes of aging, disability and voice.

The group has five lines of research:

  • Clinical and Health
  • Neuropsychology and Health
  • Neurosciences and health
  • Inclusion, well-being and health
  • Communication, quality of life and health
Grup de recerca COMSAL
Laura Cañas Vinader

Laura Cañas Vinader

Assistant Researcher
Marta Casellas Riera

Marta Casellas Riera

Assistant Researcher
Dante Chialvo

Dante Chialvo

Assistant Researcher
Maria Roser Fernandez Olaria

Maria Roser Fernandez Olaria

Assistant Researcher
Andrea Granell Querol

Andrea Granell Querol

Assistant Researcher

Doctora en Psicologia. Evaluation and Visitor Studies Consultant.

María-Inmaculada Mateos Villalón

María-Inmaculada Mateos Villalón

Assistant Researcher
Jeremi Ochab

Jeremi Ochab

Assistant Researcher
Susana Ochoa Güerre

Susana Ochoa Güerre

Assistant Researcher

Group work areas

  • Clinical and health-related. Dr. Núria Farriols
  • Neuropsychology and health. Dr. Olga Bruna Rabassa
  • Neurosciences and health. Dr. Ignacio Cifre León
  • Inclusion, well-being and health. Dr. Jordi Segura Bernal
  • Communication, quality of life and health. Dr. Jesús Valero Garcia

Projects in the Clinical and Health line

  • Family relationship diagnosis in mental health. Contributions to prevention, assessment and treatment (PSI2017-83146-R). IP: Dr. Anna Vilaregut - Couples and Family RG. COMSAL RG researchers: Dr. Carol Palma and Dr. Núria Farriols.
  • Efficacy of the Neuropersonaltrainer program in severe mental disorders. Project linked to the PRECOÇ program
  • Assessment of group intervention in mental health disorders (anxiety and depression). Project linked to the GRUPS program
  • Emotional Treatment and Mindfulness in people with depression, personality disorders, and autolytic ideation. Project linked to the GRUPS program
  • Emotional intelligence program for minors under guardianship in Catalonia. Project linked to the EMOCIONS program
  • Eating disorder involving food avoidance/restriction: psychopathological and parental differences and similarities with anorexia nervosa and the general population. Project linked to the ALIMENTACIÓ program
  • Home intervention in patients with psychosis with low adherence to treatment. Project linked to the PSICODOM program
  • Sentimental relationships in people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Project linked to the TLP program
  • Parenting in persons diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Project linked to the TLP program
  • Design and validation of an application for the management of emotional lability in crisis. Project linked to the HELP! program
  • Competencies of primary care physicians and healthcare professionals. Project linked to the CURA program
  • Well-being and health of professionals and caregivers. Project linked to the CURA program
  • Beliefs about the health and illness of immigrants in primary care. Project linked to the INCLUSIÓ program
  • Analysis and definition of the intercultural competencies of primary care nursing professionals. Project linked to the INCLUSIÓ program
  • Assessment of the integration processes in Catalonia of refugees from the Middle East. Project linked to the INCLUSIÓ program

Projects in the Neuropsychology and Health line

  • R&D Project: Dynamic Functional Connectivity to Objectify Rapid Changes in Human Cortical Dynamics in FMRI (PSI2017-82397-R). IP: Dr. Ignasi Cifre - COMSAL RG. Other researchers: Dante R. Chialvo (Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Buenos Aires), Michele Allegra (Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, Trieste), Silvina Horovitz (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH, Maryland). Project linked to the NEUROCIÈNCIES program
  • Resting-state network functional connectivity in chronic pain patients in functional MRI. Project linked to the NEUROCIÈNCIES program
  • New techniques for the analysis of magnetic resonance signals. Project linked to the NEUROCIÈNCIES program
  • Identification of rapid changes in patients with Parkinson's disease and Tourette's Syndrome for the prevention of associated symptoms. Project linked to the NEUROCIÈNCIES program
  • The process of adaptation to stroke: moderating variables in affected people and their caregivers. Project linked to the CURA program
  • Competencies of professionals caring for the elderly. Project linked to the CURA program
  • Early detection of cognitive impairment. Project linked to the ENVELLIMENT program
  • Health and quality of life in persons with Down Syndrome. Assessment of cognitive impairment associated with aging. Project linked to the ENVELLIMENT program
  • Effectiveness of physical activity on physical condition, cognition and health-related quality of life in adults and older adults with intellectual disabilities. Project linked to the ENVELLIMENT program
  • Model of interdisciplinary care focused on the family and the neurodevelopment of premature children. Project linked to the QUALITAT program
  • Biology of emotions: neurology, endocrinology and pheromones. Project linked to the QUALITAT program

Projects in the Inclusion and Health line

  • Beliefs about the health and illness of immigrants in primary care. Project linked to the INCLUSIÓ program
  • The process of including people with disabilities in sport. Project linked to the INCLUSIÓ program
  • Assessment of the integration processes in Catalonia of refugees from the Middle East. Project linked to the INCLUSIÓ program
  • Competencies of primary care physicians and healthcare professionals. Project linked to the CURA program
  • Well-being and health of professionals and caregivers. Project linked to the CURA program
  • Emotional intelligence program for minors under guardianship in Catalonia. Project linked to the EMOCIONS program
  • Sport, well-being and health: study on the perception of contemporary art in young people and senior citizens. Project linked to the ARTS program
  • Effects of the application of music therapy techniques on the behavioral responses and mood of patients with dementia. Project linked to the ARTS program

Group publications

Frías, A., Palma, C., Farriols, N., González, L. and Horta, A. (2016). Anxious adult attachment may mediate the relationship between childhood emotional abuse and borderline personality disorder. Personality And Mental Health, 10(4), 274-284.

Frías, A., González, L., Palma, C. and Farriols, N. (2016). Motivation for change as a predictor of treatment response for dysthymia. Psicothema, 28(2), 156-160.

Frías, A., Martínez, B., Palma, C. and Farriols, N. (2016). Clinical impact of comorbid major depression in subjects with posttraumatic stress disorder: A review of the literature. Nordic Psychology 68(4), 257-271.

Frías, A., Palma, C., Farriols, N. and González, L (2016). Sexuality related issues in borderline personality disorder: A comprehensive review. Personality And Mental Health 10 (3), 216-231.

Signo, S., Bruna, O., Guerra-Balic, M., Fernández, R., Canals, G. (2016). El proceso de envejecimiento de las personas con Síndrome de Down: estudio multicéntrico para la detección de los cambios neuropsicológicos. Síndrome de Down: Vida Adulta, 33(3), 82-93.

Barnet-López, S., Pérez-Testor, S. and Guerra-Balic, M. (2016). La danza y su repercusión emocional en personas con discapacidad intelectual. A: J. Segura (coord.), Psicología aplicada al deporte adaptado (p. 191-200). Barcelona: Editorial UOC.

Cuadras, D. and Palma, C. (2016). Actividad física en medio acuático: beneficios funcionales y bienestar emocional en personas afectadas de trastornos mentales. A: J. Segura, (coord.), Psicología aplicada al deporte adaptado (p. 245-258). Barcelona: Editorial UOC.

Fernández-Puig, V., Arévalo, M. and Longàs, J. (2016). Orientaciones para un desempeño

saludable de los profesionales de deporte adaptado. Riesgos psicosociales y bienestar. A J. Segura (coord.), Psicología aplicada al deporte adaptado (p. 269-281). Barcelona: Editorial UOC.

Martínez-Ferrer, J.O., Guerra-Balic, M. and Segura, J. (2016). Inclusión y deporte adaptado. A J. Segura (coord.), Psicología aplicada al deporte adaptado (p. 67-76). Barcelona: Editorial UOC.

Segura, J. (2016). Rol del técnico de deporte adaptado. A J. Segura (coord.), Psicología aplicada al deporte adaptado (p. 245-258). Barcelona: Editorial UOC.

Segura, J., Sanagustin, A., Manzano, E. and Molins, M. (2016). Bases del entrenamiento mental del deportista con discapacidad. A J. Segura (coord.), Psicología aplicada al deporte adaptado (p. 79-90). Barcelona: Editorial UOC.

Frías, A., Palma, C., Farriols, N. and Martínez, B. (2015). Sexual Feelings Toward the Therapist Among Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder: A Case of Erotomanic Delusional Disorder. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 44, 1, 3-4.

Frías, A., Palma, C. and Farriols, N. (2015). Comorbidity in pediatric bipolar disorder: Prevalence, clinical impact, etiology and treatment. Journal of Affective Disorders, 174, 378-389.

Barnet, S., Segura, J., Martínez-Ferrer, J. O. and Guerra, M. (2015). Engagement y trayectoria profesional en técnicos de deporte adaptado. Cuadernos de psicología del deporte, 15(1), 245-253.

Frías, A., Palma, C., Farriols, N., Becerra, C., Álvarez, A. and Cañete, J. (2014). Neuropsychological profile and treatment-related features among patients with comorbidity between schizophrenia spectrum disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder: Is there evidence for a ’schizo-obsessive’ subtype? Psychiatry Research, 220(3), 846-854.

Frías A, Palma C. and Farriols N. (2014). Comorbidity between obsessive-compulsive disorder and schizophrenia: Is there evidence for a "schizo-obsessive" subtype? Austin Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 1(6), 1-4.

Frías, A., Palma, C. and Farriols, N. (2014). Comorbilidad entre trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo y esquizofrenia: prevalencia, teorías explicativas y estatus nosológico. Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría, 42(1), 28-38.

Frías, A., Palma, C., Farriols, N., Salvador, A., Bonet, J. and Bernáldez, I. (2014). Psychopathology and quality of life among patients with comorbidity between schizophrenia spectrum disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder: no evidence for a 'schizo-obsessive' subtype. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 55(5), 1165-1173.

Frías A. and Palma C. (2014). Comorbidity between post-traumatic stress disorder and borderline personality disorder: a systematic review of the literature. Psychopathology, 48(1), 1-10.

Frías, A., Palma, C. and Farriols, N. (2014). Neurocognitive impairments among youth with pediatric bipolar disorder: a systematic review of neuropsychological research. Journal of Affective Disorders, 166, 297-306.

Frías A., Palma C., and Farriols N. (2014). Comorbidity between obsessive-compulsive disorder and schizophrenia: Is there evidence for a “schizo-obsessive” subtype?. Austin Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 1(6), 1-4.

Frías, A., Palma, C., Farriols, N., Becerra, C., Álvarez, A., and Cañete, J. (2014). Neuropsychological profile and treatment-related features among patients with comorbidity between schizophrenia spectrum disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder: Is there evidence for a “schizo-obsessive” subtype? Psychiatry Research, 220(3), 846-854.

Ibars, A., Torán, P., Segura, J., Corbella, S., Fernández, E. and Arnau, J. (2014). Creencias sobre salud y enfermedad en pacientes inmigrantes magrebís residentes en Catalunya. Butlletí de la medicina de Família a Catalunya. 32, 3/2, 1-14.

Torán, P., Cebrià, J., Arnau, J., Segura, J., Massons, J., Barreiro, M., Limón, E., Montero, J., Pérez. C., Pera, G., Muñoz, L., Palma, C., Segarra, G. and Corbella, S. (2013). Level of distress, somatizations and beliefs on health-disease in immigrant patients recently attented in primary care centers in Catalonia and the definition of professional competence for the most effective management: PROMISE Project. BMC Family Practice, 14(54), 1-8.

Frías, A., Palma, Aluco, E. and Beranldez, I. (2013). Estatus nosológica de la acumulación compulsiva ¿subtipo de trastorno obsesivo compulsivo o Entidad clínica independiente? Actas Españolas de Psiquiatria, 4(42), 116-124.

Frías, A., Palma, C., Horta, A. and Bonet, J. (2013). Eventos traumáticos en pacientes con trastorno obsesivo compulsivo: implicaciones etiopatogénicas, nosológicas y terapéuticas

Revista de la Asociacion Española de Neuropsiquiatria, 33(19), 595-601.

Frías A., Palma C., Giné E. and Aluco, E. (2013). Trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder and psychosis: etiopathogenic and nosological implications. European Journal of Psychiatry, 28(1), 27-38.

Subirana-Mirete, J., Bruna, O., Puyuelo, M., Virgili, C., Signo, S. and Palma, C. (2013). Processing speed in the aging process. The A Quick Test of Cognitive Speed: Screening criteria for hispanic speakers. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 119(2), 417-429.

Torán, P., Cebrià, J., Arnau, J., Segura, J., Massons, J., Barreiro, M., Limón, E., Montero, J., Pérez. C., Pera, G., Muñoz, L., Palma, C., Segarra, G. and Corbella, S. (2013). Grade of distress, somatizations and beliefs on health-disease in immigrant patients recently attended in primary care centers in Catalonia and the definition of professional competence for the most effective management. PROMISE Project. BMC Family Practice, 14(54), 1-8. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2296-14-54

Segura, J., Martínez-Ferrer, J., Guerra-Balic, M. and Barnet, S. (2013). Creencias sobre la inclusión social y el deporte adaptado de deportistas, técnicos y gestores de federaciones deportivas de deportes para personas con discapacidad. Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología del Ejercicio y el Deporte (RIPED), 8 (1), 120-144. DOI: 10.1400/210619

Palma, C., Farriols, N., Torres, C., Fernández, M., Alonso, I., Gregorio, M., Palacios, A., Salvador, A., Frías, A. and Cañete, J. (2012). L’envelliment en persones amb trastorn mental sever. Aloma. Revista de Psicologia i Ciències de l’Educació, 30(1), 87-95.

Lizeretti, N.P., Castell, R., Farriols, N., Rodríguez, A. and Palma, C. (in print). El tratamiento de los trastornos de ansiedad basado en el desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional: un caso clínico. A A. Cano-Vindel, J. Román, E. Calvo and C. Catalina (eds.), Gestión de riesgos psicosociales: el estrés laboral. Madrid: Ibermutuamur-Arteanima.

Bruna, O., Subirana, J. and Signo, J. (2012). Corteza prefrontal, funciones ejecutivas y envejecimiento normal. A: Tirapu, J, García-Molina, A., Ríos, M. and Ardila, A., Neuropsicología de la corteza prefrontal y las funciones ejecutivas, p. 223-240 Ed. Viguera.

Ibars, A., Segura, J., Feixas, G., Muñoz, L., Torán, P., Arnau, J. and Corbella, S. (2012). Malestar psicològic i somatització en els pacients immigrants africans, a les consultes d’atenció primària, Aloma: Revista de Psicologia, Ciències de l’Educació i de l'Esport, 30, 2, 53-62.

Fortuño, J., Guerra, M., Segura, J., Martín, C. and Giné, M. (2012). Características de la Salud de las Personas Mayores que practican Ejercicio Físico de carácter comunitario en Catalunya con respecto otro tipo de prácticas dirigidas a este colectivo. Aloma. Revista de Psicologia i Ciències de l’Educació, 30 (1), 45-51.

Segarra, G., Rodríguez, A., Lizeretti, N. P., Castell, R., Farriols, N., Palma, C. and Segura, J. (2011). Inteligencia emocional percibida y síntomas clínicos en trastornos psicopatológicos. Inteligencia Emocional: 20 años de investigación y desarrollo. Fundación Marcelino Botín.

Segarra, G., Farriols, N. and Palma, C. (2011). Prevalencia, impacto y tratamiento psicológico grupal de los trastornos de ansiedad: una revisión en el ámbito de la atención primaria. Aloma. Revista de Psicologia i Ciències de l'Educació, 28, 209-225.

Segarra, G., Farriols, N., Palma, C. and Segura, J. (2011). Tratamiento psicológico grupal para los trastornos de ansiedad en el ámbito de la salud pública. Ansiedad y estrés, 17(2-3), 185-197.

Bruna, O., Subirana, J. and Signo, S. (2011). Córtex prefrontal, funciones ejecutivas y envejecimiento normal. A: Javier Tirapu et al. Neuropsicología del córtex prefrontal y de las funciones ejecutivas. Viguera Editores.

Bruna, O., Subirana, J., Puyuelo, M., Virgili, C. and Signo, S. (2011). Velocidad de procesamiento de la información como medida para la valoración del deterioro cognitivo. Estudio preliminar. Alzheimer. Realidades e Investigación en Demencia, 47, 24-31.

Bruna, O., Subirana, J. and Signo, S. (2011). Lenguaje y envejecimiento: una visión desde la neuropsicología. Aloma. Revista de Psicologia i Ciències de l’Educació.

Bruna, O., Ros, L., Cucurella, E., Signo, S., Dalmau, C. and Brocal., M. (2011). El rol de cuidador en l’atenció a persones amb demència. Aloma. Revista de Psicologia i Ciències de l’Educació, 30 (1), 127-136.

Valero, J., Bruna, O. and Signo, S. (2011). Envelliment i comunicació: interacció entre els factors auditius, cognitius i emocionals. Aloma. Revista de Psicologia i Ciències de l'Educació, 30 (1), 53-66.

Subirana, J. (2011). Nous criteris diagnòstics per al diagnòstic del deteriorament cognitiu lleu. Aloma. Revista de Psicologia i Ciències de l'Educació, 30(1), 97-107.

Signo, S., Bruna, O., Fernández, R., Canals, G., Mangado, L. and Manzano, T. (2011). Canvis neuropsicològics en el procés d’envelliment en les persones amb Síndrome de Down , Aloma. Revista de Psicologia i Ciències de l'Educació, 30(1), 119-125.

Services offered by the group

  • Direction of research projects in the group lines.
  • Planning and development of training programs for organizations, schools and companies.
  • Design and implementation of training programs in communication skills, clinical interviewing and strategies to encourage positive change in human behavior.
  • Advice from organizations, companies and institutions for the creation and monitoring of projects aimed at promoting mental health and human development (emotional intelligence, healthy aging, self-fulfillment).
  • Advice from organizations, companies and institutions for positive management of their professionals, especially those who work in caregiving (nurses, doctors, coaches), sports technicians, educators, social workers, psychologists, etc.): prevention of risks and of professional burnout syndrome, empowering commitment and healthy working.
  • Advice and research on the promotion of mental health in vulnerable persons and groups: immigrants, refugees, persons with disabilities.
  • Research in the field of clinical psychology and the social psychology of health.
  • Research in the field of neuropsychology, aging and dementia.
  • Research in the field of physical activity and sport for educational and social inclusion purposes.
  • Organization and participation in courses and seminars related to the group's lines of research.

Specific services for lines of research

  • Advice on treatment programs developed in various clinical disorders (schizophrenia, early psychotic episodes, anxiety disorders, depression, personality disorders).
  • Advice on comprehensive programs for the promotion of health from a cognitive standpoint, management of emotions and behavior and body work.
  • Carrying out training and intervention projects to increase full awareness and human values from experiential work.
  • Carrying out therapeutic intervention projects through group work.

  • Advice on programs aimed at the early detection of cognitive impairment in the aging process.
  • Advice on programs for the promotion of healthy aging.
  • Carrying out projects on the quality of life and well-being of the family caregivers of persons affected by neurological diseases.
  • Carrying out projects on neuropsychological, emotional and social changes in the aging process of persons with Down Syndrome.
  • Advice on programs and carrying out projects on prematurity and neurodevelopment.

  • Advice to institutions and professionals working in the fields of mental health, education, justice, social welfare, care for vulnerable populations, healthy aging, etc. involved in intervention projects that promote the development of emotional intelligence.
  • Advice on projects that promote the development of emotional intelligence in various populations: childhood, adolescence, adults, senior citizens.
  • Advice on training programs that include the development of emotional intelligence.

  • Advice to institutions and professionals working in primary care (healthcare system), in the fields of formal and non-formal education, on projects aimed at promoting health from a biopsychosocial perspective.
  • Advice on programs aimed at promoting the health of professionals and the prevention of disorders related to work and professional practice (motivation, stress, anxiety, professional burnout syndrome, commitment).
  • Advice on programs aimed at promoting the social inclusion of children, young people and adolescents at risk through the practice of sport.
  • Advice to institutions and professionals working with vulnerable groups and those at risk of exclusion on issues of mental health promotion.

Excellence is the future