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The URL, ranked for the seventh consecutive year in the Global Employability Ranking, which features only tow Catalan universities

November 24, 2022

Ramon Llull University is once again featured in the Global Employability University Rankings (GEURS 2022-2023), a ranking that looks at the capacity of universities to prepare their graduates for the labor market.

Ramon Llull University is among the best two Catalan universities and seven Spanish universities, alongside the Autonomous University of Barcelona, IE University, University of Navarra, the Autonomous University of Madrid, Carlos III University and Complutense University of Madrid.

Taking a more global view, URL has been ranked as the 178th highest rated university in the world in terms of the employability of its alumni. The results of the macro-survey have been published in the Times Higher Education magazine.

The ranking rates 1000 universities and higher education centers around the world, from which it selects the 250 best. The methodology is based on votes of 99,000 employers, based on six key factors that promote employability, which are: graduate skills, internationality, digital skills, level of specialization, academic excellence, and work experience.

The URL has featured in this ranking for the last six years, and this seventh year, it has risen 52 points compared to 2021. GEURS was the most consulted ranking in 2022 by international employers.

Here is the news published by Ramon Llull university.

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