
Students of Blanquerna FCRI graduate in Santa Maria del Mar

Students of Blanquerna FCRI graduate in Santa Maria del Mar

June 16, 2015

Students of Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations held their commencement ceremony in the Basilica of Santa Maria del Mar in Barcelona.

The patron of this graduating class was Mr. Enric Crous i Millet, CEO of Damm Group since 1990. Unfortunately, a health problem prevented him from attending the event. In his place, Mr. Frederic Segarra, head of communications and external relations for Damm Group, read the words that Mr. Crous wrote for the students.

"Love and hope, along with passion, are essential elements for any professional who wants to reach people. And to succeed as well. There is no other secret to getting good results. I've applied this in my life and in my work, and it has gone rather well: working long hours and as jazz musicians do, letting the notes go with the flow according to the moment.”

In his turn, the Dean of the School, Dr. Josep Maria Carbonell, recalled in his speech “Praise of Living”, a piece by the poet Joan Maragall.

"Love your craft, / your vocation, / your star, / that which you are good for" (...) "Be strong in your work, as if on every detail that you think, / every word you say, / each piece you place, / each hammer stroke you give, / depended the salvation of humanity. / Because it does, believe me."

It was a Saturday full of emotions, in a beautiful and unique place. About 300 students were presented their diplomas in a ceremony with two students of the Degree in Journalism as masters of ceremony: Lluis Dalmau and Astrid Monells.

The students Aitana March (Degree in Film and Television); Judit Llovera, (Journalism); and Julia Ribo, (Advertising and Public Relations); addressed the graduates in very emotional speeches that won long and heart-felt applause from their classmates.

Marta Riera and Uri Plana performed three musical pieces: Locked out of heaven, Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen and Els teus Somnis by Sopa de Cabra.

Four students received awards for having obtained the best academic record: Alicia Alonso (Journalism), Víctor Vas (Advertising and Public Relations), Marta Riera and Ana Isabel Arjol (Film and Television).


Excellence is the future