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Meeting of the students of the Degree in Audiovisual Communication

Meeting of the students of the Degree in Audiovisual Communication

October 4, 2018

They study the same degree, they have common interests, but they don’t always know one another. For this reason, every year, the degree in Audiovisual Communication of the School organizes a meeting with the students, from first to fourth year.

First of all, a few words of welcome from the director of the degree, Professor Judith Colell: "We are very happy to have you here, this meeting is to help you get in touch with one another and develop projects as a whole."

This year, teachers want to promote mentoring, with an initiative that aims to create closer contact between students of Audiovisual Communication, so that first-year students can learn from fourth-year students and the fourth years can teach and help the newbies of the School. "I found it a very interesting and exciting encounter. You see a degree where the students stick together and help one another out, "says a first-year student.

Networking creators

The students of the third and fourth year seminars take part in a lot of shoots and need help in carrying them out. They usually ask for the collaboration of friends and acquaintances, but "it is much better to seize highly motivated people, eager to learn, and these are the first years!", Explains Professor Jaume Benet.

That is why this year the Audiovisual department wants to be transversal between themselves by creating a form whereby third and fourth year students who need people for filming can request it. Thus the first students will receive a wide range of filming for which they can register. "Sign up. You learn a lot more in a shoot than in a lot of seminar classes," said Professor Benet, generating a little controversy amongst the teachers, but in a figurative sense!

Encerrona” in Sitges

During the meeting, Colell gave different "tips" essential for future professionals: go out, do things! For example, to go to Sitges Film Festival this Saturday, October 6, to see the short Encerrados, produced by students of the School, selected in the New Authority. "You should watch a lot of audiovisuals, short films, movies, series ... all the shows you’re invited to, take advantage of them," Colell recommended.

Throughout the degree meetings will also be held with directors or script writers, thanks to the agreement that the School has with the SGAE. An opportunity to chat with director Elena Trapé (The Distances) or Carla Simón (Summer 1993), to mention two of the guests this year.

Before leaving class, Colell was very emphatic: "We want to receive ideas, initiatives, proposals. We will be happy to hear you, we want to be proud to be part of Audiovisuals Blanquerna! ".

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