Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Joan Carreras, premi Sant Jordi de novel·la

Joan Carreras, Sant Jordi literary Award

January 15, 2015

The professor of Journalism at Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations, Joan Carreras, is the winner of the Sant Jordi Award for Catalan Literature for his novel “L'àguila negra” (“The Black Eagle”).

He received the award in December during the Night of Santa Llúcia, at a gala held at the Gran Teatro del Liceo.

Previously the professor had published two books of short stories, "Les oques van descalces" (1990) and “La bassa del gripau" (1993) and five novels: "La gran nevada" (1998), "Qui va matar Floquet de Neu" (2003), “L’home d’origami" (2009), "Carretera secundària" (2012) and "Cafè Barcelona" (2013), winner of the award Ciutat de Barcelona for the best novel in Catalan.

Last year, Professor Vicenç Pagès received the Sant Jordi award for his work “Dies de frontera”.


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