Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Cloenda institucional de la col·laboració amb el Drac Novell International

Institutional closure of the collaboration with Drac Novell International

January 27, 2015

The management team of the Business Association of Advertising (AEP) paid tribute to the Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations team, who were responsible for the organization of the two editions of the Drac Novell International, the Advertising Festival that we hosted during 2013 and 2014.

During the ceremony, the President of the AEP, Mr. José Ángel Abacens; the director, Mr. Alfons Pena; and his secretary, Mrs. Laura Martinez, in recognition of and with gratitude for such a successful collaboration, gave custom-crafted awards (with the popular figure of the Parc Güell dragon) to the Vice-dean Dr. Josep Rom, the Director of the Degree, Prof. Antoni Solanilla and to the coordinators and professors Enric Ordeix, Josep Maria Picola, Marc Polo and Eva Santana, as well as one special award to the School itself.

As of now, Blanquerna passes this role on to another Catalan university --with advertising and public relations studies-- as host of Drac Novell International (DNI), which will carry the baton for the next two years.

Before coming to our School, the DNI was hosted by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Universitat Abat Oliva and Universitat Internacional de Catalunya.

Good luck to those who will next fill this exciting role!


Excellence is the future