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Eduard Voltas and Marc Marginedas, National Communication Awards

October 21, 2014

The professors of our Degree in Journalism, Eduard Voltas and Marc Marginedas, have been given awards by the jury of the XIV edition of the National Communication Awards given by the Generalitat of Catalonia.

The winners were announced in the Palau de la Generalitat: the Professor of our Official Master in Advanced Journalism and contributor to our Journalism program, Marc Marginedas, journalist of the Catalan newspaper El Periódico, received an award in the press category, in recognition of his long career as a special correspondent and work in conflict areas.

As for the new digital media communication category, Time Out Barcelona, directed by Professor Eduard Voltas, received the National Award. We want to congratulate them and all the other prizewinners.

The National Communication Awards were created in 1999 to mark the 75th anniversary of the first regular radio broadcast in Catalonia.


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