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Acte de graduació per partida doble

Double entry graduation ceremony

June 16, 2021

The Basilica of Santa María del Mar hosted the graduation ceremonies of the XXIII and XXIV promotions of the Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations.

Due to the security protocols against Covid-19 by the Procicat, the capacity in both cases was limited and restricted to graduates and two members of their families. But this did not stop the emotions from overflowing throughout the weekend.

The world that awaits them

In the morning the ceremony of the students who this year have completed their fourth year took place. Senen Florensa, ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain and president of the delegate commission of the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMED) was the patron.

In his parliament he recalled that Europe must be open to international cooperation and stay in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda: "This is, dear students, the world that awaits you. As journalists, diplomats, academics or simply as citizens of any other profession, you will have the responsibility to participate and shape it. Life is an incredible experience. I hope you all enjoy it in the most positive way."

The ceremony was conducted by students Albert Guijarro and Mar Puga. A representative from each degree offered the parliaments: Nuredduna Riera de Comunicación Audiovisual; Mar Soler Gutiérrez, from Journalism and Corporate Communication; Sandra González from Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing; and Olivia Sierra Calvo, from International Relations. The interpretation of the musical piece was performed by the student Sira Grané Farré.

The dean of the School, Dr. Josep M. Carbonell presented the extraordinary awards for the best academic record to Alicia Miquel Agell, Audiovisual Communication; Ivet Núñez Pinar, Journalism and Corporate Communication; Nora Viaplana Tristán, Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing and Neus Nativitat Rodríguez Mat, International Relations.

A rule of three with key ingredients

In the afternoon, the students from the university year who had to wait because of the confinement and the control of the pandemic were finally able to celebrate their graduation ceremony. David Coral, president & CEO of BBDO & Proximity Iberia was the patron, with a speech full of recommendations, among which we highlight the recipe that he shared towards the end: "For me there are 3 key ingredients: Talent, Will to sacrifice and Humility ", he said.

In the first, he highlighted technical and emotional talent in equal measure, "here both the training received and the education at home play a fundamental role." He also highlighted the importance of healthy ambition and a concept developed at BBDO: "La healthy paranoia". And about humility, three elementary factors: "Knowing how to listen, more than just speaking; the ability to accept mistakes and personal deficiencies to continually improve, and self-criticism."

The students Marc Leirado and Martina Destito were the presenters, who introduced the speech of each degree: Audiovisual Communication by Carlos Losada Soler; Journalism and Corporate Communication with María Aznar Roldán; Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing with Nuria Gallifa and Bernat Senyer Gimeno from the degree in International Relations. María Angerri was in charge of the interpretation of the musical piece and the extraordinary prizes to Jordi Alsina González, Audiovisual Communication; M. del Mar Manrique Jiménez, Journalism and Corporate Communication; Joel González García, Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing; and Joana Argemí Ribalta from the degree in International Relations.

heart Congratulations graduates!


Excellence is the future