Blanquerna Ramon Llull University



Dignity in old age

February 23, 2024

Last Wednesday, February 14, as part of the "Universitat amb Cor" collaboration between Càritas Barcelona diocese and the Blanquerna School of Health Sciences, the talk "Dignity in Old Age" took place, within the subject of Psychosocial Sciences of the nursing degree.

The talk was led by Jaume Pere and Felix Riera, volunteers from the Universitat amb Cor organization, and Imma Fernàndez, a social worker with Càritas. During the talk, the participants offered an insight into the reality of the elderly, a group currently considered vulnerable and with a great sense of loneliness.

There is a lack of welfare, social, economic, family and personal resources, which means that we often do not have sufficient care. Social volunteering together with the rest of Càritas' actions is an opportunity to improve the lives of these people and to be able to build a more dignified world.


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