
David Simon received the Special Blanquerna Communication Award

David Simon received the Special Blanquerna Communication Award

April 7, 2016

In conjunction with Serielizados, the online magazine by former students of the School, the American journalist and writer David Simon received the Special Blanquerna Communication Award for "his contribution to the renewal of television fiction and audiovisual language ".

El degà de la Facultat, Josep Maria Carbonell, ha fet el lliurament del premi, el qual ha servit d’avantsala per a la masterclass que ha ofert Simon en un format d’entrevista, dirigida pel també escriptor i cineasta, David Trueba. Simon és el creador de l’aclamada sèrie de HBO, The Wire, de la qual també ha estat el productor executiu i guionista durant cinc temporades. Amb HBO també ha fet la Generation Kill, Treme i, més recentment, Show me a Hero.

Amb un auditori ple de gom a gom, Simon ha explicat la seva transició profesional del món del periodisme al món audiovisual, on des de fa més de quinze anys ha trobat la millor manera d’explicar el seu punt de vista sobre el món: “Estic en contra de la guerra contra les drogues. A partir d’aquesta premissa, vaig construir The Wire”. Als estudiants, els ha recomanat llegir Anton Txékhov i mantenir la senzillesa dels guions: concentrar-se en allò que és bàsic i essencial i no deixar-se arrossegar pel dramatisme.

Quan David Trueba li ha dit de fer un The Wire “madre in Spain”, Simon ha respost que a “Espanya hi ha molta cosa per explicar. La vostra Guerra Civil i la seva posterior amnèsia són transcendentals per a explicar la història del segle XX”.

The Dean of our School, Josep Maria Carbonell, presented this award, which served as a prelude to the masterclass offered by Simon in an interview format, led by writer and filmmaker David Trueba. Simon is the creator, executive producer and writer of the acclaimed HBO series, The Wire. He also created for HBO Generation Kill, Treme, and more recently, Show me a Hero.

With a full auditorium, Simon explained his professional journey from journalism to scriptwriting, where he has been for over fifteen years, finding the best way to explain his point of view: "I'm against the drug war, on that premise I wrote The Wire". He recommended students to read Anton Chekhov and encouraged them to maintain simplicity in their scripts: focus on what is basic and essential and not be carried away by the drama.

When David Trueba suggested making a version of The Wire "made in Spain", Simon replied that "in Spain there are many things to explain. Your Civil War and subsequent amnesia are transcendental in explaining the history of the twentieth century."


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