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Sergi Cutillas

Communication Strategy students receive a visit from Sergi Cutillas.

April 14, 2023

As part of the subject Seminar VI: Communication Strategy of the bachelor's degree in Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing, last week, the students of Professor Núria Escalona received a visit from Sergi Cutillas, a sound technician at Catalunya Ràdio and sound mastermind of the successful podcast 'Crims (Crime)', by Carles Porta.

Along with the successful and current 'Crims (Crime)' project, Sergi Cutillas' career spans more than twenty-five years. He was in the image room of "LaTdp", with Joaquim Maria Puyal, and has been involved in countless public radio and television programs, which also notably include the renowned podcast "Tor: tretze cases i tres morts (thirteen houses and three deaths)" and "La vida en un xip (Life on a chip)".

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