
Blanquerna Observatory's new book: «Catholic Online Communities»

Blanquerna Observatory's new book: «Catholic Online Communities»

December 3, 2015

What is God doing on Facebook? The online search for religiosity, the social media as new areas for religion to pray in are some of the topics included in the book Catholic Online Communities, a volume that reviews the biblical aspects of digital culture in the use of youth believers’ forums and the behavior of Catholics when they are surfing the Internet.

The book, written in English and published by the Blanquerna Observatory of Communication, Religion and Culture, was written by specialists from different parts of the world such as the expert in communication and psychology, Leticia Soberon; the priest of the Diocese of Tortona, Italy and the inventor of the App iBreviary, Paolo Padrini; Professor Anthony G. Roman (Pontifical University of Saint Thomas in the Philippines); the researcher Marta Koldziejstka (University of Warsaw), the director of the School of Journalism at the University Ruiz Montoya of Lima, Franklin Cornejo; and professor at the University of Deusto Xabier Riezu.

The book was edited by the dean of the School, Josep Maria Carbonell; the vice-dean, Josep Lluís Micó; and the director of the Observatory, Professor Miriam Díez. It is distributed by Librería Medios, and it can be purchased online.


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