Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Blanquerna FCRI, al Word Press Freedom Day

Blanquerna FCRI, at the Word Press Freedom Day

May 3, 2016

The dean of the School, Professor Josep Maria Carbonell; director of Journalism Degree, Professor Marçal Sintes, and Professor Jaume Suau have been to Helsinki, to attend the European project MedMedia and the World Press Freedom Day, which was held at Unesco.

Blanquerna School of Communication members have had a working session with delegates from universities in countries of North Africa and the middle East in order to discuss future joint projects and see how to improve education in communication in the region. They have also organized a discussion panel on different models of journalism studies.

Blanquerna leads this network of universities in North Africa and the Middle East. At the event in Helsinki, professors met with counterparts from the l'Université Libre of Brussels and Goldsmiths College London, with the objective of strengthening relations between universities in the region and Europe.


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