Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Blanquerna FCRI hosts the first International Italy-Spain Seminar

Blanquerna FCRI hosts the first International Italy-Spain Seminar

February 21, 2017

This seminar of comparative studies brought together Italian, Catalan and Valencian scholars with the aim of jointly reflecting on the relationship between communication and democracy in the West. The title of the meeting was: «Media, digital networks and new parties».

Throughout the seminar different issues were addressed such as the emergence of new political forces, among them, for example, Movimento 5 stelle and Podemos, the relations and tensions between journalism and political power in Spain, and the coincidences between Technocracy and populism.

Professors Fausto Colombo from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan), Michele Sorice and Emiliana De Blasio from the Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli (Rome) and Professor Andreu Casero from the Jaume I University (Castellón de la Plana) participated.

Also, in the name of our School, the Dean, Josep Maria Carbonell, the Academic Vice-dean, Josep Lluís Micó, and the Vice-Dean of Research, Pere Masip took part, as well as other research professors from our centre. Professors Ferran Sáez, Albert Sáez and Emiliana De Blasio chaired the roundtable that closed the seminar.


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