Blanquerna Ramon Llull University



BlanQuè? Ep. 1 [Uri Garcia] Director of the series "Jo mai mai"

February 16, 2024

In this podcast we will talk about everything going on around the School: the different degrees, professors, students and so forth. Today we will focus on the world of Audiovisual Communication. Yes, that degree that is leading Netflix to envy us. And who better than in-house professor Uri Garcia to explain what it is through his new series Jo Mai Mai?

  • Producer and Editor: Eduard Milà
  • Aux. of Production: Albert Taulé
  • Scenography: Marta Pradell
  • Camera Operators: Farners Pagès / Regina Hernández
  • Producer: Hèctor Conde
  • Assistant Producer: Lucia Wong
  • Editing: Regina Hernández / Farners Pagès
  • Aux. Editing: Ethan López
  • Design: Isabel Ibànez
  • Presenter: Alumni Ethan López.
  • "FCRI Communication Department"

Excellence is the future