
Alumni Regulations

To be a Blanquerna Alumni you can continue to benefit from many of the Library's services

Alumnes exterior

If this is the first time you have come to the Library after completing your studies, you must register as alumni.

  • If you are alumni of the School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences or the School of Health Sciences→ contact your library
  • If you are alumni of the School of Communication and International Relations contact the School Alumni Service. Contact: Sònia de Jaime: [email protected]
  • As a Blanquerna alumni you can go to its libraries whenever you want, and use its facilities. Check the timetables on the web page of the library.

  • During exams or when there are many users, access restrictions or requesting an appointment may be necessary.

To use this service, you must identify yourself with your student card (if you have kept it) or with your national ID

  • Number of documents: 10
  • Loan days: 21
  • Maximum renewals: 6

With the loan service you can get: up to 10 documents for 21 days, except for the following documents, which are excluded from the loan: psychological tests (the School of Psychology, Education and Sports Sciences) and laptops (the School of Psychology, Education and Sports Sciences)

We provide you with electronic resources subscribed by our libraries:

  • Databases
  • Electronic journals
  • Electronic books

However, alumni cannot access these resources from home; they can do so from library consultation computers. We will tell you how to do it at the library.

You can use the URL's wireless internet connection if you set up the network eduroam on your device, and identify yourself with Blanquerna's email and your La Scala password.


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