
Health and health insurance


Take a look at health information for foreign students.

Whether you are a European student or from outside the European Union, here's everything you need to know if you need medical attention, from the main requirements for receiving healthcare to the contacts of interest you need. be aware in case you need them for an emergency.

It is important to keep in mind the contact information with your consulate in Spain, especially if you are in a complicated situation. Here you can find a list of contact information for consulates and embassies in Spain.

Salut i assegurança de salut

If you are a student at a European university and you are not feeling well ...

  • Go to any of the primary health care places (known as the CAP or Primary Care Center) in Barcelona.
  • Bring your European Health Insurance Card (EHC) and you will have the service covered by social security.
  • The European health card must be issued by the public health system of your country and allows you to have access to medical care in Spain. In some cases, a flat rate or a percentage of the cost to be paid is applied in order to have full coverage under the same conditions as a Spanish citizen.
  • It is highly recommended to have health insurance that includes coverage if you have Covid-19.
  • You can call 061 (Catsalut responds) for inquiries or for any questions you may have regarding non-urgent health issues.
  • If you need an ambulance, call 112.
  • If you need it, you can also go to the emergency services of one of the public hospitals in Barcelona. To receive care, you will also need to bring your European Health Insurance Card.

If you are a student from outside the European Union and you are not feeling well ...

  • Those students who come from countries that are not part of the European Economic Area should determine whether or not there is an agreement on medical services between the social security system of their country and Spain (this is the case, for example, of 'some Latin American countries).
  • If there is an agreement between the country of origin and Spain, you must request the documentation from the health authorities of your country. This document will allow you to receive medical care in Spain.
  • If your case is different from the previous one, you will have to make use of the private medical insurance that you present together with your application. The first thing you need to do is call the insurance company. There they will tell you how to proceed and which hospitals in Barcelona you can go to.
  • És important que portis la pòlissa d'assegurança quan vagis a algun dels hospitals indicats i, si és possible, una còpia de la documentació en català o castellà.
  • If you have an emergency and need an ambulance, call 112.
  • If you are a student from outside the European Union, but have a NIE / TIE (Foreign Resident Identification Number), you can go to the public primary care centers (CAP) like any other EU student.

Health insurance

All international students are required to take out health care and liability insurance for their stay. The requirements are:

  • European Union students: the European Health Insurance Card is compulsory in all faculties.
  • Students from outside the European Union: if you have hired a private insurer, please check with your company for specific details and exact procedure.

Ramon Llull University has an agreement with OnCampus, an insurance company that complements the basic coverage of the European Health Insurance Card. All costs related to medical coverage are the responsibility of the students. You will find more information on the Ramon Llull University Insurace website.

Assegurança de salut

How do I get a PCR test or an antigen test?

If you are a European citizen or have a NIE / TIE (identification number for foreign residents), you will be taken care of by the social security services and they will give you one of the tests in case you have symptoms of COVID-19.

Under no circumstances does Social Security provide this service for travel both inside and outside Spain. PCR tests or antigen tests for these cases are not funded by the public health system.

In Barcelona there are several places that provide PCR tests that are valid for travel 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Check here where you can find one.

Main hospitals in Barcelona


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