
Continuing education: INDIBA in urogynecological physiotherapy

Academic year closed

FCS-FC- Isak
  • Modality
    Hybrid learning format
  • Languages
  • Duration
    3 sessions / 24 hours
  • Date
    March 10, 2023
  • Planning

    March 10, 17 and 24, 2023

    From 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

  • Places
  • Faculty

    Blanquerna School of Health Sciences

Urogynecological physiotherapy

With this course you will learn how to apply Indiba Radiofrequency technology in many of the pelvic floor dysfunctions we usually treat with physiotherapy.

Who is it for?

Graduates in Physiotherapy and 4th year students of the Degree in Physiotherapy.

Course content

Bases of treatment of pelvic floor pathologies. 7 hours

  • Anatomy of the pelvic floor
  • Neurophysiology of urination and defecation
  • Pelvic floor dysfunction
  • Pelvic floor examination
  • Conservative treatment
  • Indications and contraindications

Indiba Active Therapy BASIC. 7 hours

  • Application of specific treatments using Indiba Active therapy such as the treatment of incontinence, prolapse, fissures, as well as scarring
  • Indications and contraindications

Indiba Active Therapy Advance. 7 hours

  • Application of Indiba technology in patients with chronic pelvic pain and painful anorectal pathologies
  • Clinical cases

Online module: 3 hours

Tuition fee

Tuition fee
Facultat de Ciències de la Salut FCS


Descompte (no acumulatiu) del 15% en el preu de la matrícula a: alumni, estudiants de la Facultat de Ciències de la Salut Blanquerna-URL i membres del CFC*, COIB* i CODINUCAT*.
*Cal aportar l'últim rebut d'aquest any.


Laia Blanco. Physiotherapist with expertise in the treatment of pelvic floor dysfunctions. Director of RAPbarcelona. Professor of the Bachelor Degree in Physiotherapy at UIC.

Stèphanie Kauffmann. Physiotherapist with expertise in the treatment of pelvic floor dysfunctions. Director of RAPbarcelona. Professor of the Bachelor Degree in Physiotherapy at UIC.

Inés Ramírez. Physiotherapist (PhD), osteopath and psychologist with expertise in the treatment of pelvic floor dysfunctions. Director of RAPbarcelona. Professor at the Blanquerna-URL School of Health Sciences. Director of Graduate Studies Training at FCSB.

Més informació

Per a més informació, pots contactar amb [email protected]

Enroll in the course

Click on the following link and follow the steps to enroll. On the first screen, if you do not have Blanquerna credentials (username and password), you will need to register.

The application will ask you for the following documents during the enrollment process:

- ID card

- Bachelor degree certificate or enrollment in the 4th year of the Bachelor Degree.


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