
Continuing education course in ostomized persons, holistic management, basic care and complications

Academic year closed

FCS-FC- ostom
  • Modality
  • Languages
  • Duration
    10 sessions / 40 hours
  • Date
    October 18, 2022
  • Shifts
    From 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Planning

    October 18, 20, 25 and 27 and November 3, 8, 10 and 15, 2022

  • Places
  • Location

    Blanquerna-URL - Carrer Padilla, 326-332. 08025 Barcelona

  • Faculty

    Blanquerna School of Health Sciences

Ostomized persons, holistic management, basic care and complications

For an ostomized person, building a stoma means a process of adaptation that begins with learning how to manage and care for the device.
The ostomized person often presents complications in their stoma that can cause serious upheaval in their day to day, affecting their quality of life.
The adaptation adds to the existing difficulty caused by the pathology that led to the stoma in the first place; oncological process, inflammatory pathology (chronic illness) or other situations that sometimes involve an emergency ostomy. This process can vary in length depending on the support received from healthcare professionals and the resilience of the ostomized patient.
Availing of an educational and support plan by health professionals from the beginning reduces and facilitates this process of adaptation.
Most minor complications can be prevented. You need to know them to apply the appropriate measures and thus prevent their occurrence. For other complications, once identified, measures need to be taken to resolve or minimize them; and, most importantly, to detect those that need to be referred to other professionals due to their urgency or treatment requirements.

This course is aimed at graduates in Nursing and 4th year students.

Who is it for?

Graduates in nursing and 4th year students

Course content

  • Basics concepts of a stoma.
  • Causes, classification and behavior of ostomies:
  • Ostomy devices and products:
  • Hygiene and care of the stoma.
  • Multidisciplinary approach to the ostomized person.
  • Importance of mutual aid groups.
  • Early ostomy-related complications
  • Late ostomy-related complications
  • Ostomy-related complications
  • Complications related to the ostomized person.
  • Practical session. Resolution of clinical cases.
  • Quality of life.

Tuition fee

Tuition fee
Facultat de Ciències de la Salut FCS


Descompte (no acumulatiu) del 15% en el preu de la matrícula a: alumni, estudiants de la Facultat de Ciències de la Salut Blanquerna-URL i membres del CFC*, COIB* i CODINUCAT*.
*Cal aportar l'últim rebut d'aquest any.


Núria Borrell. Director and Nurse Stomotherapist from Owings.

Més informació

Per a més informació, pots contactar amb [email protected]

Enroll in the course

Click on the following link and follow the steps to enroll. On the first screen, if you do not have Blanquerna credentials (username and password), you will need to register first.

The application will ask you for the following documents during the enrollment process:

- ID card

- Bachelor degree certificate or enrollment in the 4th year of the Bachelor Degree


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