
Clinical reasoning in neuromusculoskeletal disorders

  • Modality
  • Languages
  • Duration
    2 sessions / 20 hours
  • Date
    May 6, 2023
  • Shifts
    From 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Planning

    May 6 and 7, 2023

  • Places
  • Location

    Blanquerna-URL - Carrer Padilla, 326-332. 08025 Barcelona

  • Faculty

    Blanquerna School of Health Sciences

Critical reading on the current status of research in Physiotherapy shows that the Physiotherapy professional bases their reasoning on techniques and their applicability rather than on the clinical signs and symptoms that describe the patient's state of health.

Clinical reasoning in Physiotherapy is considered the fundamental tool to improve the effectiveness of the current treatments by connecting the most precise therapeutic goals based on diagnostic excellence with the indications, limitations and contraindications of classical and advanced therapies available in the professional market.

Course content

  • The different types of clinical reasoning. Uses and limitations in clinical practice.
  • What are cognitive biases and which ones do we have in our daily clinical practice?
  • What strategies can we use metacognitively to control them.
  • Case resolution based on the case method. Clinical Exemplification.
  • Cervical pain and dysfunction based on the case method.
  • Lower back pain based on the case method.
  • Wrist and hand dysfunctions based on the case method.
  • Foot and ankle dysfunctions based on the case method.
  • Practical demonstration and tutelage of diagnostic ability in acute injury and chronicity.
  • Case management in groups: Formulation of hypotheses, selection of exploratory tools, use of binding clinical reasoning and proposal or practical demonstration of the case resolution
  • Sharing the case solution in the different stages through collaborative learning.

Tuition fee

Tuition fee
Facultat de Ciències de la Salut FCS


Rafel Donat Roca, PhD. Physiotherapist with expertise in neuromusculoskeletal Physiotherapy. PhD in elearning and Knowledge Management from URV. Professor of Physiotherapy studies at UVIC-UCC Campus UManresa. Member of the GRIPFET Research Group at the School of Health Sciences of UManresa. Free Exercise at COM Medical Center for Manresa and the surrounding district.


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