Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Chapters of the School of Communication and International Relations

Blanquerna community in the world

The Blanquerna-URL Faculty of Communication and International Relations promotes the relationship between groups of alumni residing outside Catalonia. Since 2012, regular alumni meetings have been held in Madrid, London, New York, Paris, Brussels and Hong Kong. Occasional meetings have also been held in Berlin and Caracas.

Through your profile on the Alumni Portal, you can indicate which chapter you want to join to receive the announcements of the alumni meetings that are held in this city. We look forward to seeing you!

Chapter Madrid FCRI


On May 10, 2012, the first alumni meeting was held in Madrid at the headquarters of Gómez Acebo y Pombo with the presence of Dean Tresserras and Dean Carbonell. Currently, more than 150 alumni are part of this chapter.

Chapter Londres FCRI


The first alumni meeting in London took place on November 29, 2012, with more than 25 alumni in attendance. In the photo, an image of the 2015 meeting at the headquarters of the Delegation of the Generalitat de Catalunya in London. Currently, more than fifty alumni reside in this city.

Chapter Nova York FCRI

New York

The New York chapter opened on April 19, 2013. On that occasion, Dean Carbonell and Professor Enric Ordeix were the hosts of the alumni. Currently, the chapter is made up of about thirty professionals trained at the Faculty.

Chapter Nova York FCRI

Hong Kong

In 2013, a alumni meeting was also held in Hong Kong. Alumni were able to visit the world's largest Apple store with the help of its director, among other activities.

Chapter París FCRI


The first alumni meeting was held in Paris on June 30, 2014, with the presence of Dean Josep Maria Carbonell and the director of the degree in International Relations, Onno Seroo. This is a chapter with a large presence of professionals in the fashion and retail sector.

Champter Brusel·les


The first alumni meeting was held in Brussels in November 2014, a chapter that has been gaining weight as a result of the incorporation of new undergraduate alumni in International Relations. Currently, more than 25 alumni make up this chapter.


Excellence is the future