Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


BE workshops: Education, Psychology, Speech and Language Therapy, and Sports Management

Blanquerna-Escola workshops: Education, Psychology, Speech and Language Therapy, and Sports Management

Dates and timetables: January 25, two timetables to choose from.

Morning: from 11.30 am to 1.30 pm

Afternoon: From 4 pm to 6 pm

Place: School of Psychology, Education and Sport Science.

C. Císter, 34. 08022 Barcelona

*Each student will receive a certificate of participation in the workshops, and the students' attendance records will be sent to the respective schools.

Degrees related to these workshops

Workshops in other specialties

Do you want to see the complete catalog of workshops prepared by Blanquerna-URL?

There are 6 workshops at the School of Communication and International Relations:

Digital communication, Challenge yourself to overcome a business crisis, Digital marketing, On-set multi-camera workshop, Radio and podcast workshop, and Sports journalism workshop.

There is one workshop option at the School of Health Sciences:

Nutrition and sports performance.

professora i alumnes

Excellence is the future