

In Blanquerna-URL we do not have accommodation or search for accommodation, but here you will find some agencies looking for housing for international students newcomers to the city. In Barcelona, students can stay in shared or individual flats, residences or hostels. Prices range from € 350 to € 2,000 per month.

Ramon Llull University students can study and live comfortably in Barcelona in functional residence halls offering full services.

Barcelona Center Universitari (BCU) is the official accommodation service for university students in Barcelona. Students enrolled in Blanquerna-URL have preference over some of the available places, regardless of whether there is a waiting list. To view these benefits, visit the university's website.

Often, when renting an apartment, the first month you have to pay a deposit of two or three months. This deposit is returned if the apartment is in good condition at the end of the stay. Gas, electricity and water costs must also be taken into account. We recommend finding accommodation in time, as it can be difficult to find.

You can check availability, pricing, and tips on these web pages:


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