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Why do people give a book and a rose for Sant Jordi?

April 21, 2023

Sant Jordi is an emblematic day, an official tradition in Catalonia since 1456. Despite these centuries of history, doubts still remain about some details of the festivity, Blanquerna-URL will clear them up for you!

  • Why do we give a gift of a book?

As explained on the Generalitat's website, the Valencian writer Vicent Clavel Andrés proposed to the Barcelona Chamber of Books to create "El Dia del Libre", which was held for the first time on October 7, 1926. Four years later, the date was changed to coincide with the deaths of Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare.

  • Which other distinguished Catalan writer died on April 23?

Joseph Pla (1981)

  • Why do we give a gift of a rose?

Legend has it that when Sant Jordi killed the dragon, a large pool of blood formed at his feet, and from it a rose bush grew. The knight cut off one of these roses and gave it to the princess as a gift.

  • Where can I buy the charity roses in which Blanquerna-URL student volunteers participate?

The stand (in partnership with the IRES Foundation) will be located in front of the Majestic Hotel&Spa from 9 am to 9 pm.

  • Where can I see the St. George's Cross in 3D?

If you want to see the Cross of Saint George located in the Chapel of Sant Jordi —completed in 1434— at the Palace of the Generalitat you can see it in detail at this link. The 3D model also contains interesting information about the different elements of the cross.

  • What books can I give as a gift?

We recommend the following compilation of books published by Blanquerna-URL professors in 2023!

  • Puerto Rico y la guerra civil española. La voz de los intelectuales Aníbal Salazar Anglada
  • Curar (y cambiar) la Vida Consagrada Gemma Morató Sendra
  • Òpera catalana: síntesi històrica Jaume Radigales
  • Jedwabne. Una història universal David Serrano Blanquer
  • “Aixafem el feixisme”. El Comissariat de Propaganda de la Generalitat de Catalunya durant la Guerra Civil Ester Boquera Diago
  • “El Dios fiel mantiene su alianza” (DT 7,9) Conferencia Episcopal Española
  • El asesoramiento psicopedagógico a debate Coordinat per Teresa Huguet, Eva Liesa i Joan Serra-Capallera
  • 'Unico grande amore’. Un viaje por Italia a través del futbol de Toni Padilla
  • En guerra d’Enric Calpena

Do you need further information? Please let us know.

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