
Francisco José Martín Orive

Francisco José Martín Orive

[email protected]

Academic training

2017 | Facultat de Ciències de la Salut Blanquerna, Universitat Ramon Llull | Màster Universitari en Activitat Física Terapèutica per a malalts crònics i amb discapacitat

2016 | Universitat Ramon Llull | Posgrau en Psiconeuroinmunoendocrinologia i Nutrició Ortomolecular

2014 | Facultat de Ciències de la Salut Blanquerna, Universitat Ramon Llull | Grau en Fisioteràpia

Professional profile

Professional background

2020 - Present | Facultat Ciències de la Salut Blanquerna-Universitat Ramon Llull | Coordinador 2on curs de Grau de Fisioteràpia | Coordinador

2017 - 2022 | Facultat Ciències de la Salut Blanquerna-Universitat Ramon Llull | Coordinador Màster Universitari Activitat Física Terapèutica en malalts crònics | Coordinador

2017 - Present | Facultat Ciències de la Salut Blanquerna-Universitat Ramon Llull | Professor associat | Professor

2001 - Present | Centre de Fisioteràpia Fran Martín | Fisioterapeuta i propietari del centre | Fisioterapeuta

Recent teaching

Bachelor degrees and double majors

Musculoskeletal Simulation 1 Physiotherapy EHEA Degree

Musculoskeletal simulation 2 Physiotherapy EHEA Degree

Physiotherapy in sports and physical activity Physiotherapy EHEA Degree

Physical activity in populations with chronic pathology and disability Physiotherapy EHEA Degree

ENG/Physiotherapeutic clinical approach to the musculoskeletal system Physiotherapy EHEA Degree

ENG/Physiotherapy musculoskeletal system seminar Physiotherapy EHEA Degree

End-of-degree project Physiotherapy EHEA Degree

Doctoral and Master's degrees

Physical therapeutic activity for those with a chronic pathology University Master in Physical Therapeutic Activity for Persons with Chronical Deseases, Aging or Disability

Assessment of the physical condition in chronic, age-related and disability-related conditions University Master in Physical Therapeutic Activity for Persons with Chronical Deseases, Aging or Disability

Therapeutic exercise University Master in Physical Therapeutic Activity for Persons with Chronical Deseases, Aging or Disability

Physical therapeutic training methodology University Master in Physical Therapeutic Activity for Persons with Chronical Deseases, Aging or Disability

Functional neuro-rehabilitation University Master in Neurophysiotherapy

Own Degrees

Specific techniques: therapeutic exercises for patients with cancer and manual therapies. Diploma of University Spacialization in Oncological Physiotherapy

Placements. Diploma of University Spacialization in Oncological Physiotherapy


Excellence is the future