Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Resource guide

School of Psychology, Education and Sport Science




For the Conference "Social skills in autism spectrum disorder: an evolutionary view", held by the Blanquerna-URL School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences on November 5, the Library has prepared this reading guide.

Catalog searches

Autism: search for materials available at the URL libraries

Autistic children

Parents of autistic children

Asperger syndrome


AETAPI: Asociación Española de Profesionales del Autismo (Spanish Association of Autism Professionals)

An organization of professionals whose mission is to represent and guide professionals in a committed manner for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder, in order to improve the quality and ethics of their professional practice by fostering knowledge, collaboration and participation.


A website where you will find a selection of films about autism and Asperger syndrome.

APNA: Asociación de Padres de Personas con Autismo (Association of Parents of People with Autism)

The Spanish Association of Parents of People with Autism is a non-profit organization comprising families with children with autism

Asperger Aide France

A French association that fosters the integration into society of people diagnosed with Asperger syndrome.

Associació Aprenem

The Association was created on the initiative of a group of families with the goal of defending the rights of their children to receive care appropriate to their specific needs.

Center for assisted therapies with dogs

Confederación Autismo España (Spanish Autism Confederation)

Documentos TV. Report. Laberinto Autista

It seeks to reflect a disorder that has a very large variability and affects 1% of the population.

Federació Autisme Catalunya (Catalonia Autism Federation)

Federación Asperger España (Asperger Federation Spain)

A non-profit organization of public and social interest that comprises the Asperger Syndrome Associations at national and regional level.

World Autism Organisation

The primary goal of the organization is to improve the quality of life of people with autism and their families around the world.

Projecte Autisme La Garriga (La Garriga Autism Project)

The project is managed by the associations CERAC, ASEPAC, APAFAC and the Fundació Privada Congost Autisme (Congost Autisme Private Foundation) and seeks to provide comprehensive care and treatment throughout the life cycle to people with autism. The website includes a glossary of scientific terms related to autism.

The Online Asperger Syndrome Information and Support (OASIS)

World Autism Awereness Day

The activities of WAAD contribute to raising awareness of the autism epidemic and promoting information on the importance of early diagnosis and intervention.


Excellence is the future