Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


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Conference Responding to the CEFR Alignment Handbook

Quan?Divendres 18 i dissabte 19 d'octubre 2024

Auditori de la FPCEE, B2-06, C2-02 i C2-06

The publication of Aligning language education with the CEFR: a Handbook in April 2022 has generated renewed interest in CEFR alignment practices. As a follow-up to the colloquium held at the University of Bedfordshire (Luton) in September 2023, plans have been made to organize a European conference where language education professionals can gather to reflect on the uses of the CEFR and its CV and share their alignment projects.

We are grateful to Blanquerna – Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, for agreeing to host the conference, which will share good practice in aligning language education (curricula, materials, assessment) to the CEFR, showcase uses of the Handbook in different contexts, with different languages and for different purposes, and gather feedback to inform the revision of the Handbook.

The Conference is once again being organized by the Handbook steering group (Neus Figueras, David Little, Barry O’Sullivan, Nick Saville, Lynda Taylor) in close cooperation with the Research Group in Education, Didactics and Learning (GREDA), led by Dr. Cristina Corcoll, in Blanquerna, Universitat Ramon Llull.


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